Easy DIY Tutorial Beaded Wire-Wrapped Star Ornament Or Suncatcher Stars (Harp Solo Be Thou My Vision)

EBook with crochet ornaments now available.

A fun and easy wire-wrapped star tutorial.  When I make these with young kids, I let them wrap the wire around the nails, but I secure the wire into the star shape to prevent any injuries with the wires poking their skin.  I pre-string the beads and curl the wire ends in advance to avoid any sharp wires as well.  

I used 20 and 26 gauge wires.  The thicker gauge (20)  for the star body and the wire hanger and the thinner wire (26) for the beaded wire-wrapping.  You can use other gauges and colors as well.  Don’t use too many beads, or too much wire, or it will look too crowded and you’ll lose the star’s general shape.

These look great tied onto presents, hanging as ornaments on Christmas Trees, hanging as a window suncatcher, or tied onto ribbon and strung as wall decorations or as bunting banners.  


The background music is me (an adult beginner) practicing Be Thou My Vision on the harp.  It’s a work in progress.

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